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Zoro Will Defeats The Shogun of Wano, Kurozumi Orochi Theory - Explained

Hello everyone !
Welcome back to another theory explanation from me, Master Cat Viper.

Yep, I've changed my username.
So, today we shall dive into a theory about Zoro & The Shogun Of Wano Country !

The name of The Shogun of Wano Country is Kurozumi Orochi.
His name has been introduced by Kin'emon in Manga Chapter 909 but he never make any appearance yet.

According to Japanese Mythology, Yamata No Orochi is legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed dragon. 

Which has been killed by God of Storm, Susanoo by using Ame-No-Habakiri (a totsuka sword).

Precisely, after Susanoo has banished from heaven, he descended to the Province of Izumo where he met Ashinazuchi, an elderly man who told him that Yamata No Orochi was coming soon to eat his last daughter Kushinada-hime.

He decided to help the family and marry Kushinada-hime which was agreed by Ashinazuchi.

By using his sword, Ame-no-Habakiri he attacked and slew the Yamata No Orochi.

He chopped off each head and then proceeded to the tails.

In the 4th tail, he discovered a legendary sword which he called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi "Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds".

According to the other source, Ame-no-Murakumo has a power to control the winds.
We know Zoro used several storm style attacks such as Tatsumaki.

Is Zoro resembles as Susanoo by Oda from the mythology ?

Zoro'll face the Shogun of Wano since he possessed the Ryuma's legendary sword, Shusui that the shogun was seek for a long time.

Is it a foreshadow that Zoro will kill the Shogun of Wano ?



Have u seen any people using this sword ?

The answer is yes. It's Admiral Kizaru.

He used it when he fight Silver Rayleigh which stood against him from chasing Straw Hat at Sabaody Archipelago.

I'll explain about Kizaru which related to his past later cuz now we are focusing on Zoro and Wano. 


Kurozumi is a name of Shinto priest, the founder of Japanese Religion who had a Divine union with Amaterasu, Goddess of the sun.

Meanwhile, from the other source Kuro-zumi is referring to Black Cat.

Black Cat.
Many cultures have superstitions about black cats, often ascribing either "good luck" or "bad luck" to them. Historically, black cats were symbolically associated with witch.

The other archaic belief that cats have "nine lives".

Yamata No Orochi has 8 head right ?

If The Shogun Of Wano have a power a mythical dragon.

It seems that after zoro cut off all his 8 headed, he's still not gonna be dead since he have 9 lives.

The last battle we'll see the Shogun fight against Zoro by using Ame-no-Murakumo in human form.

Nekomata are kind of cat yokai (cat spirit) told about in folklore.

There was a depiction of a nekomata taking on the appearance of a human female playing a shamisen, but since shamisen in the Edo period were frequently made by using the skins of cats, the nekomata played the shamisen and sang a sad song about its own species and has been interpreted as a kind of irony.
Concerning the fact that they wear geisha clothing.

Remember the person who wear the cat mask while playing shamisen in Wano ?

They are not an Anbu ok 😂.

But their role must be at least the same.

Perhaps they are the one who work directly under the command of Shogun of Wano or Kaido to keep an eye on Wano. 

Since they were represented as "cat", they might be has a connection with the shogun. 
Perhaps as a informer (spy).

Let me know ur thought in the comments down below about Zoro, Kurozumi Orochi and Wano Country. 

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