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Usopp Future Role In Wano | Theory - Explained

Hi everyone.
Welcome to Master Cat Viper Theory.

So without further ado, let's dive into the theory of Usopp's Future Role In Wano Country.

In Enies Lobby Arc, Usopp disguised himself as Sogeking.
He manage to make Luffy & Chopper believed that Sogeking & Usopp was a different person.

Meanwhile the rest of the crew and their alliance who followed to save Franky & Robin were recognized him as Usopp because of his nose.

Sogeking represents his brave soul.
And in Enies Lobby, he also managed to convince those 2 giants which is Kashi & Oimo that he had met Mr. Broggy & Dory.

They became his allies and fight the Marines who tricked them.

The same thing happened in Dressrosa Arc.
He lied and then he revealed the truth !

Usopp told the Tontatta Tribe that he was the descendants of the Hero, Norland and they believe it !
Then he was called as Usoland by them.

But everything gone wrong when he ran from Trebol and Sugar.

Then when he told all of them the truth and shows his bravery by saving the Tontatta Tribe and all the toy-slave.
He turned himself into a real hero !

And now he was known as God Usopp.

He ordered all the ex-slave to destroy the SAD factory & the Dressrosa citizens to help the other warrior stopping the birdcage !

So, what could happen in Wano Country ?

In Chapter 909 with the title Seppuku, it told us about the remaining crew members of straw hat who disguised themself among the citizen of Wano Country.

Franky as Franosuke.
Zoro as Zorojuro.
Robin as O-Robi.
Usopp as Usohachi.

In the same chapter, we saw Usopp selling the toad oil.
He sliced his own hand and somehow cure it by using the toad oil.

This trick managed to convince all of them to buy it.

Pretty brilliant isn't ?

Since Wano represents the Japan Country.
And his shogun name itself represents the japanese mythology 8-headed dragon.

I'll relate something that related to japanese deity with Usopp.


Uso in Japan means lie or lied.

His name represents his common attitude, lying.
But most of his action led him to fulfill what he said before.

Color Spread Chapter 796

From color spread above, i wanna all of ya focus on Usopp's pants. 

Did u guys see it ? 

"Lie Turns To Reality" !!

Most all the arc, he turned to be a "warrior" even though he still scared right ? 

Usoland's statue alongside Lucy & Kyros's statue

Remember Usopp's dream ?
To become the bravest warrior on the sea !


He's one of the most popular Shinto deities of Japan.
A archer who worshipped by the most samurai and was considered as the God of War.

The name means "God of Eight Banners", referring to the eight heavenly banners that signaled the birth of the divine Emperor Ōjin.

Hachiman was an archer.
Meanwhile Usopp is a Sniper of Straw Hat.

Related isn't ?

It's more convincing since he has obtained the title "God" in Dressrosa.

But "God of War" is also referring to the someone's bravery in battlefield.

Since Hachiman was been worshipped by the most samurai.

I think Usopp will achieve his own dream to become bravest warrior and he'll being acknowledge by the most samurai in Wano Country.

He'll be one of the warriors who lead the samurai in Wano & fight with Kaido & Shogun's army.

As i said earlier, Usopp was selling the toad oil in Wano.
From other source, toad oil was considered as a poisonous thing that often used in battle.

So, Usopp will come out with new special attacks from toad oil ?

Probably yes.
Poison always considered as a dirty trick but i think it's more to weaken the enemy.

The last one is the similarities of Usopp & Hachiman.

The Hachiman also referred as the God of Eight Banners.

Meanwhile in Chapter 909, we only seen one banner with a symbol of toad. It represents him as a seller of toad oil.

Perhaps some of u guys, wouldn't agree with this but I think it'll be revealed later how he'll appear with 8 banners !

Let me know in the comment section down below ur thought about UsoppπŸ‘‡.

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Legend Never Die ! God D Usopp !

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