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Void Century : Why Wano, Kozuki Clan & Mink Tribes Related To D Clan Theory - Explained

Hey People !
Silver Granola Here ! πŸ‘‹

🐦 As far as we know that who inherited "D" in their name are Luffy, Law, Teach, Kid, Garp, Dragon, Roger, Ace, Rouge & Saul.

Buggy D Clown, 
God D Usopp & 
Con D Oriano. 
Those 3 are not included. πŸ˜‚

If you guys count those who possessed D in their name, πŸƒ it's a very small amount !

🎈 In Chapter 801 : Episode 746, where doffy talks to Tsuru about The Throne War which is involving the Celestial Dragon and D Clan, he said "how and when will they appear ?".

Does it mean the other remnants of D Clan are still exist ? πŸ‘‘
♨ If that so where they've been hiding all this time ?

Here come my theory.πŸ‘‡
In Zou Arc, it told us the ones who created the poneghliffs was the ancestors of Kozuki Clan and the method to read πŸ“š & wrote those messages has been passed down through generations before it was cut off at Kozuki Oden.

🏁 The only ones who know about the Void Century absolutely the ones who lived during the war between those 2 kingdoms.

So, does Kozuki Clan has any ties with the Ancient Kingdom ?😡

πŸ—½ Since Wano Country doesn't affiliated with the World Government and it's closed off to the world which is no one's allowed to leave the country or enter from the outside 🍦 so, it's a reasonable place for those remnants to hide themself.

πŸ—Ό Wano itself is one of the strongest country even the World Government are totally aware of it.

From that point which i can say that it's the beginning of creation of the poneghliffs. πŸ”¨

πŸ‡Or !
Kozuki Clan also involved in those war !

Also in Zou Arc, it told us that Mink Tribes has a deeper connection & sharing the same faith with Kozuki Clan since way back. πŸ’
Zunisha itself has lived for 1000 years !

Zunisha was only allowed to walk because he has committed blunders in his past. πŸ“œ
But he only followed the order from Momonosuke who is from the Kozuki Clan. 🐘

What can i say here is long time ago, 🏯Wano wasn't a closed off to the world.

🚩 But right after ancient kingdom lost to the allied kingdom, they cut off their connection to the outside world for protecting their alliance which is remnants of Ancient Kingdoms.

♻ They've engraved the history what happened at that time in the "indestructible" book which we now call as poneghliffs.

Perhaps πŸ—½ The 20 Allied Kingdom thought that they've eliminate all of them. 
But some of them was alive and went hiding.

We know that Wano's culture is much like Japan isn't ?πŸ—Ύ

Now, refers back to the World War II.
πŸ’£ After 6 days detonation of 2 nuclear weapons on Hiroshima & Nagasaki by The United States which is on September 2, πŸ”” The Japanese Government signed the instrument of surrender effectively ending the world war II.

πŸ”₯ Large numbers of people continued to die from the effects of burns, radiation sickness and other injuries, compounded by illness and malnutrition. πŸ’€

πŸ‘» And from that they were closed their country from the whole world.
Just like Wano right ?

The World Government strictly prohibits finding the truth of the void century.❌

Moreover in Chapter 395, The Gorosei claimed that their reason for prohibits finding the truth of the void century πŸ”¬was to prevents the threat of revival of the ancient weapon but ... πŸ›ƒ

What if they are ones who used the ancient weapon Pluton to against the Ancient Kingdom.✳

πŸ’₯ Then, some of the survivors were hiding in Wano & the others who not made in time to run from being nuked by the Allied Kingdom were dead and perhaps some of them were having "radiation sickness" that turned them into animals. 🐼 (pandaman xD)

Here comes the Mink Tribes !🐾

Open Up Land Of Wano
🍈 Kozuki Oden was recruited by Gol D Roger to join his crew and they witnessed the secret of the world (the truth) after they reach Raftel through deciphering the poneghliffs !πŸ“œ

Before he was executed by Kaido and Shogun of Wano to save his retainers, he left the words "Open Up The Land Of Wano". 🏯

Why he left such words ? πŸ““

I think Oden wanna open up the country so they can interact with other countries. πŸ„
πŸ‘Š So the other remnants of D Clan can rise up and fight against the World Government. 😾

But it's not gonna happened since Wano has been occupied by Kaido and Shogun who steal the Wano Country.😿

😼He seems believe to the "Will Of D" just like Roger who entrust the future to the next generation that's why he left such words. 🌹

I also do believe that in Wano Arc we'll found a bunch of D Clan ! πŸ‡

This is just a theory ya, don't take it to serious.πŸ„ 🐞 Let me know your opinion in the comments down below about Void Century, Kozuki Clan & Mink Tribes. 

Always be good 🍡
🍧 Be kind
Be positive 🐬
& stay awesome πŸ™

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