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Obtaining Other People's Devil Fruit Ability - Explained

Mother Carmel has eaten by Big Mom ?
Including the other orphans ?

Is that why Big Mom obtained Mother Carmel's devil fruit ability (Soru Soru No Mi) ?

Hi & welcome everyone, to Master Cat Viper Theory ! 👋

What we'll be talking about today is one of the unsolved mystery in One Piece World.

So without further ado, let's begin !

Let me start with Big Mom.

For those out there who doesn't believe that Big Mom has ate Mother Carmel & the other orphans. Here's the proves.


Right after Big Mom finished ate the croquembouche.
She said "I'm so happy ! Opps, i was carried away so i even bite the table".
Then, she realized that there's no one around her.

And there's 2 witnesses at that time, the 1st one is Big Mom's head chef itself, Streusen.
He said "i never saw a monster like that before".

Once he asked Big Mom what actually happened, he also asked her "so not too close".
Is he afraid becoz what has happened ?

Meanwhile, the 2nd one is one of the elbaph warrior.

He horrified by the incident that caught infront of his eyes, run to his ship and never came back again.

Once he returned back to his island, news about Linlin spread all over the elbaph community around the world.

And in the recent Chapter told us about Big Mom was going to Wano Country to get her Zeus back & she also wants to kill Luffy.

What If Straw Hat Grand Fleet come to help Luffy fight against Kaido & his army ?

Since Hajruddin is Elbaph warrior, i think he'll meet Big Mom in Wano and tell what actually happened at that time to everyone.


● Cannibalism Folklore & History.

● According to a source, On the Fiji Islands during the 19th century, some natives took to cannibalism in order to absorb the natural powers that belonged to their enemies.

In terms of gaining power, some tribes simply wanted to gain a deceased person’s wisdom via eating their flesh.

If someone were to eat the brain, they would earn knowledge.
If they were to consume the hands, they would earn more of a physical power.
It differed between different body parts.

● The fore tribe from Papua New Guinea would eat human flesh for their wisdom.
It wasn’t done for survival. It was part of a ritual.

● Also, from the 16th through 18th centuries, blood, ground bones and other body parts were routinely used in what is referred to as medicinal cannibalism.

The vitality of the human body and spirit can be ingested to bestow power and life force upon human beings.

● In the film “District 9”, the idea of exocannibalism was toyed with.
The villain of the film made it his goal to eat the heart of the film’s protagonist in order to gain his “powers,”.

● Philosophers.
● Ancient philosophers and philosophically educated doctors like Aristotle and Galen wanted to know about soul.
For many, the soul resided in one of the mysterious and generally misunderstood internal organs.

● Aristotle thought that the heart was the seat of the soul and the brain moderated the humors.

Galen was disagreeing with Aristotle's principle of soul theory (even though Galen would have admitted that the heart and brain were related).


Since Oda used various folklore, mythology, history and others to create One Piece.

So, it's possible right that eating other human parts right after killing them can acquire their ability ?

Such as Big Mom ?

If that so, this also will lead us to the answer how Blackbeard can obtained Whitebeard's earthquake devil fruit power !

Blackbeard have 2 devil fruit power !
How he can still alive ?

Sabo also said in Dressrosa Arc, Blackbeard Pirates are hunting devil fruit user right ? 

How Blackbeard can possessed 2 ability at one time is still mystery until now cuz everyone can only have 1 devil fruit at one time otherwise that person will die ! 

Marco said in Marineford that Blackbeard has a different body structure compared to other person !
What does he mean ?

But if we look at Burgess, he hunt Luffy & also Sabo with a knife right ? 
Is he gonna stab (kill) them and eat any parts or drink their blood

Let me know in the comment section down below ur thought about stealing other people's ability 👇.

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